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What was the last traded share price of one 97 Communications Ltd?

The last traded share price of One 97 Communications Ltd was 709.50 down by -0.87% on the NSE. Its last traded stock price on BSE was 709.50 down by -0.86%. The total volume of shares on NSE and BSE combined was 1,699,516 shares. Its total combined turnover was Rs 121.63 crores.

What is One97’s stock score?

One97 Communications share price analysis | ETMarkets What’s Stock Score? Stock Score is the Average Score from Stock Reports Plus by Refinitiv which combines quantitative analysis of widely used investment decision making tools. This score is on a 10 point scale (1 is lowest and 10 being the highest, NR indicates No-rating is available)

How much are NSE shares worth?

NSE shares have a lot of demand in the open market. The NSE shares typically trade at a valuation of more than ₹ 1,000 per piece, valuing the company at more than ₹ 45,000 crore," said an investment banker who did not wish to be named.

Who is one 97 Communications Ltd?

One 97 Communications Ltd was incorporated as 'One 97 Communications Private Limited' on 22 December 2000. Subsequently name of the Company was changed to One 97 Communications Limited on 12 May 2010. The Company serves as a digital ecosystem for consumers and merchants.

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